Naruto: The Ultimate Betrayal as He Joins the Infamous Akatsuki


If you are a fan of Naruto, then you know that he is one of the most beloved and iconic characters in anime history. He is known for his bravery, determination, and unwavering loyalty to his friends and village. However, what if we told you that he betrays his village and joins the notorious Akatsuki? Yes, this unthinkable scenario unfolds in Naruto: The Ultimate Betrayal.

As you can imagine, this turn of events shakes the foundation of the Naruto universe. Many questions arise as to why Naruto would betray his friends and become a member of the same organization that has caused so much pain and suffering. What is Naruto's endgame? And what will his former comrades do now that their most trusted ally has turned against them?

Naruto: The Ultimate Betrayal promises to be an unforgettable journey filled with plot twists, emotional turmoil, and heart-pumping action. This is not just another filler arc but a game-changer that will have fans on the edge of their seats. So buckle up, grab your popcorn, and get ready to witness the ultimate betrayal in Naruto history.

Now, we don't want to give too much away, but trust us when we say that this is an arc that you cannot afford to miss. Naruto: The Ultimate Betrayal is a masterful stroke of storytelling that will leave you reeling with emotion and excitement. Don't believe us? See for yourself and join Naruto on this unforgettable journey of self-discovery and redemption.


Naruto, a popular manga and anime series, has thrilled its fans for years with its action-packed storyline, unique characters, and breathtaking moments. One of the most unexpected and shocking moments in the series is when Naruto joins the infamous Akatsuki organization. In this blog article, we will explore the reasons behind Naruto's decision, compare his actions before and after joining Akatsuki, and give our opinion on whether or not Naruto's betrayal was justified.

Background: Who Are Akatsuki?

The Akatsuki organization is a group of rogue ninjas who aim to create a world ruled by their version of peace through force. Each member possesses unique abilities, and they work in pairs to take on various missions, such as collecting tailed beasts. Their leader, Pain, is one of the strongest beings in the Naruto universe and has a tragic past that motivates his actions. Akatsuki is considered one of the greatest threats to the shinobi world, and several powerful ninjas have tried and failed to stop them.

Why did Naruto Join Akatsuki?

Naruto's decision to join Akatsuki was born out of desperation. After several failed attempts to bring Sasuke back to Konoha, Naruto had reached a dead end. Sasuke had become too powerful for Naruto to defeat alone, and he was unwilling to listen to reason. When Pain attacked Konoha and caused widespread destruction, Naruto realized that the only way to protect his village and friends was to acquire the power necessary to defeat Sasuke and help defend Konoha. He believed that Akatsuki's power could help him achieve this goal more quickly than anything else.

Naruto Before Joining Akatsuki

Before joining Akatsuki, Naruto was a loyal ninja of Konoha who put his friends and village above all else. He had overcome several powerful enemies, such as Pain and the Nine-Tails, through sheer willpower and determination. Naruto represents the quintessential hero, fighting for justice and doing what is right, no matter the cost to himself. He is willing to risk his life to protect his loved ones and believes in never giving up on someone.

Naruto After Joining Akatsuki

After joining Akatsuki, Naruto's personality and motivations change drastically. He becomes more focused and ruthless in his pursuit of power, willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. He also distances himself from his friends and former allies, believing that they do not understand his struggle. Naruto becomes more like an anti-hero than a typical hero, as he is willing to betray those closest to him and hurt innocents to advance his agenda.

Comparison: Naruto vs. Other Akatsuki Members

Naruto's decision to join Akatsuki puts him in the same ranks as some of the most notorious criminals and villains in the Naruto universe. While he still retains some of his values and beliefs, he is fundamentally different from the rest of the organization. Other members, such as Pain, Itachi, and Sasori, have more complex motivations and tragic backstories that justify their actions to some degree. Naruto, however, joins Akatsuki solely to gain power, which makes him stand out among the group.

Attribute Naruto Before Joining Akatsuki Naruto After Joining Akatsuki
Loyalty Loyal to Konoha and his friends Abandons his friends and allies for personal gain
Motivations Fights for justice and what is right Desperate for power to defeat Sasuke and protect Konoha
Actions Fights with honor and never gives up on someone Betrays former comrades, hurts innocents, and uses any means necessary to achieve his goals

Was Naruto's Betrayal Justified?

After considering all the factors that led Naruto to join Akatsuki and his actions after joining, we believe that Naruto's betrayal cannot be justified. His motivations may have been understandable, but his actions lead him down a dark path that goes against everything he stood for before. Naruto's actions also put his village and friends in danger by aligning himself with one of the greatest threats to the shinobi world. While it is true that heroes can make mistakes and learn from them, Naruto's decision to join Akatsuki was a betrayal that has lasting consequences.


In conclusion, Naruto's decision to join Akatsuki was one of the most shocking moments in the manga and anime series. His motivations were understandable, but his actions after joining Akatsuki cannot be justified. Naruto's transformation from hero to anti-hero shows just how far desperation and the need for power can take someone. While we still love Naruto as a character, his betrayal will always be a dark moment in his story that reminds us of the dangers of giving in to temptation and abandoning our values.

Thank you for reading about Naruto's betrayal and his joining of the notorious Akatsuki organization. This plot twist was a major shocker to fans of the anime series, as Naruto is known for his pure heart and unwavering loyalty to his village and friends.

While it may be difficult to see Naruto align with the enemy, it is important to note that this development adds depth and complexity to his character. It also creates interesting storylines and opportunities for character growth and change. As viewers, we are left to wonder what will become of Naruto and how his relationships with his former allies will be affected by his actions.

In conclusion, Naruto's decision to join the Akatsuki may have been unexpected and even heartbreaking, but it has added a new layer to his character and opened up new possibilities for the anime series. We can only wait and see how this storyline unfolds and hope for the best for our beloved ninja hero.

People also ask about Naruto: The Ultimate Betrayal as He Joins the Infamous Akatsuki:

  • 1. What is Naruto: The Ultimate Betrayal?
  • Naruto: The Ultimate Betrayal is a fanfiction story that portrays Naruto joining the notorious organization known as Akatsuki, which is known for its evil deeds and objectives.

  • 2. Why did Naruto join Akatsuki?
  • In this fanfiction story, Naruto joins Akatsuki due to a perceived betrayal by his former village, Konohagakure. Feeling disillusioned and betrayed, he decides to join the enemy in the hopes of getting revenge.

  • 3. What are Naruto's actions in Akatsuki?
  • As a member of Akatsuki, Naruto initially struggles with his new role and the evil deeds the organization commits. However, as time goes on, he becomes more ruthless and begins to embrace his darker side.

  • 4. How do other characters react to Naruto's betrayal?
  • The other characters in the story have mixed reactions to Naruto's betrayal. Some are shocked and hurt, while others see it as a necessary step for Naruto to take in order to protect himself and achieve his goals.

  • 5. Does Naruto ever regret joining Akatsuki?
  • Throughout the story, Naruto experiences moments of doubt and regret about his decision to join Akatsuki. However, ultimately, he believes that it was the right choice for him and his goals.